Redmile Appraisals, Inc. is the company you should trust when you need appraisals for bank owned properties in Spring Hill, FloridaProperties in foreclosure and properties that have returned to the bank's control present specific appraisal difficulties.It's vital to recognize the meanings of "market value" and a "quick disposition" value to know your possible write-down liability when dealing with a house in foreclosure. Redmile Appraisals, Inc. has the background in both supplying snapshots of market value for our mortgage lending clients, as well as "quick sale" forecasts that respect your urgency.
Owners of property in foreclosureunfortunately can present particular challenges. For example, they could be disinclined to allow us access to the home. Sometimes the properties have been vandalized, often by the former residents themselves. Or, it's likely you'll discover nobody has occupied the house for months or the home neglected for long periods of time.
You'll be interested in an expedited disposition if the house has changed to Real Estate Owned. So you might want to know and compare three values: "as-is", "as repaired", and "quick sale". These represent: |